Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Eggs in the tree

UPDATE!!!! The eggs were hawk eggs!

Today Vincent and I found a tree we could climb. I climbed to the very top and I found a bird nest. It had 2 eggs in it. When you see this picture you will know what I mean.

Does anyone know what kind of bird layed these?


Shandra said...

Kenton, I'm not sure, but I'm thinking they might be hippopotamus eggs. Don't take my word for it though! You might want to research it further! ;-) Love you!

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

Just keep checking it every couple of days and sit and watch what flies into the nest.


Vonnie said...

That is really neat, Kenton. I don't know what kind of bird layed those eggs!!!

Shandra said...

Kenton, take it from your good ole Aunt Shandra...if you do decide to sit and watch what flies into the nest and I was right about it being a hippopotamus, you MIGHT want to wear a good, sturdy hat!!

Anonymous said...

Kenton. That is really cool. I think watching the nest is a good idea, but I wouldn't get too close. Those momma and daddy birds get pretty fussy when the eggs get closer to hatching. AND if your Aunt Shandra is right, you do not want a hippopotamus landing on you! Have a good day. Mrs. Herl